Reverse Engineering Power

CAD-Driven Modeling

RevWorks® for SOLIDWORKS® is a high-performance reverse-engineering plugin which connects portable 3D digitizers and CMMs to the familiar SOLIDWORKS® environment.


As an original SOLIDWORKS Gold Partner Solution, RevWorks introduced the concept of real-time, CAD-Driven Reverse Engineering (CADDRE™), the process of creating a 3D model in CAD from an existing physical object.

Best-Fit Technology

Fast, efficient, and easy to learn, RevWorks for SOLIDWORKS provides everything you need to capture accurate feature data with your portable CMM into a CAD model.


RevWorks’ statistical best-fitting technology creates optimal geometries for each feature.  You can collect many sample points for a single feature, reducing data noise and surface irregularities, and resulting in greater measurement precision.


RevWorks Highlights

Flexible Data Capture Solutions

A green graphical icon showing a drill press machine

Desktop Convenience

 Collect the data you need quickly and accurately using RevWorks and the ultra-portable MicroScribe® portable CMM from the convenience of your desktop. 

Graphic icon of three connected green arrows representing x, y, and z axes.

Large Working Volume

RevWorks' Leap Sets combined with the MicroScribe digitizer presents a cutting edge reverse engineering solution for an extended workspace without sacrificing accuracy. 

Icon graphic of a green laptop showing a gear on a transparent background

Responsive User Interface

The RevWorks toolbar remembers and displays the last tools you used, even across sessions. Adjust the the toolbar size, float or dock it to maximize your screen work area.

Green icon on a trasparent background showing a hand holding a pencil

Direct Measurement Tools

Take a wide variety of measurements from parts using direct measurement tools including depth, distance between points, circle radii, and draft angles. 

Icon graphic of a green ruler on a transparent background

Variety of Data Collection Options

RevWorks allows you customize settings using AlignmentManager™ for coordinate systems, ProbeManager™ for probe definitions, and single point or scan point mode collection options.

Green icon on a trasparent background showing a drafting compass

Best Fit Geometries

RevWorks applies state-of-the-art statistical algorithms to collected data to extract best-fit geometries representing the features you measure, resulting in greater precision.

Essential Sketch Tools



Points, lines, arcs, circles




Splines and curves


Rectangles, planes


Arc-line chaining


Select-by-probe constraints





Points, lines


Splines and curves






Powerful Functionality

Fast, Efficient Workflow


Probe Manager™

Easily set up and calibrate multiple probes and assess probe calibration before use. 


Auto probe offset


Calibration verification


Multiple probe sets


MicroScribe calibration wizard



Create specific sectional planes through a part by limiting the data to points falling within selected tolerance of a set plane.

Data is captured only when the probe crosses the collection plane, making  profiles along a part surface with no edges to follow.

Visualize probes and paths to the collection plane, even when there is no line on the part to follow.


Alignment Manager™

Develop and manage a variety of part coordinate systems within SOLIDWORKS®.


Align parts to any SOLIDWORKS plane.


Create multiple part alignments and switch between them during a digitizing session.


Use LeapSets to maintain a single alignment coordinate system while moving the digitizer.

Microscribe Digitizer


Produce best-fit, smooth single-patch NURBS surfaces directly from digitized point data by dragging the digitizer probe across a part surface.  DirectSurf creates a smooth surface patch and optional parametric 2D profiles, allowing you to create simple infill patches quickly.


Screen Mode

Select points such as feature mid-points, centers, intersections, corners, and even data in other sketches directly from the screen to create features. Mix existing data with live data collections. 


Direct Measurement Tools

Take a variety of measurements directly from parts including depth, distance between points, circle radii, and draft angles. Like sketch features, measurements are auto-corrected for the active probe ball radius.

Integrated CADpad®

With CADpad’s powerful custom functionality and mouse emulation, now you can drive RevWorks actions, navigate your screen, and select tools directly from your digitizer.  CADpad Grid® and CADpad Mouse® eliminate the need to switch from stylus to keyboard or mouse.

Flexible Integration

Multi-device connectivity

RevWorks connects several leading desktop CMMs available in today's market with the power of SOLIDWORKS, allowing users to collect data as needed.

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New Features

RevWorks 7.2 Release

The release of RevWorks 7.2 includes CADpad®, a powerful user interface which creates a better, more efficient user experience.  For this 20th Anniversary edition, we have rebuilt the RevWorks architecture using the latest frameworks for Windows® 10 and 64-bit support to work seamlessly within the very latest SOLIDWORKS® environments. Other features in this release include:


The Select by Probe feature - select existing geometry using the arm and applying your geometric constraints and trims.


Arc-line Chaining


New look and feel, including flexible toolbar scaling for high DPI screens


Updated Guru Guides™ and added support content

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As an original Gold Partner solution, RevWorks introduced CAD-Driven modeling to the SOLIDWORKS community over twenty years ago. Then, the notion of directly measuring physical parts into production CAD was revolutionary. RevWorks has since proven its effectiveness to thousands of clients. Today, RevWorks continues to define the standard for productivity and dependability. 

RevWorks 7.2 System Requirements

Supported Digitizer

Windows 64-bit OS

SOLIDWORKS 2012 or later

More Information

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